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Education Team: Taught Programmes: Your Key Databases

Databases containing research papers on learning and teaching

ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

How do I download full text for the article that I want?
If you see "Download Full Text" in the grey box to right after you search, then ERIC has permission for you to download the article for free. To only see these articles, make sure the "Full text available on ERIC" box is checked when you search.
If you can not view the full text you can order the item via the Aston University Library Inter-library Loan Service.
What journals are indexed in ERIC?
The list of currently approved journals can be found at: and the approved list of non-journal sources can be found at


Research into Higher Education Abstracts

Research into Higher Education Abstracts Online is a hugely valuable resource for anyone interested in research into higher education. The online database is easily accessible and the search options allow you to search by category, which is immensely helpful when investigating a particular topic area. It can get you to relevant articles much quicker that other more generic database searches. It also covers a huge range of international journals and therefore alerts you to research that has been published in journals you might not routinely access.

Select to go to the Scopus main search page

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.

You can review the journal titles covered in Scopus via this web page.

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SocINDEX indexes over 2,000 journal titles with nearly 350 available with full text.  SocINDEX is currently hosted through EBSCOhost Research Databases.  There are around 185 journal titles covering Education and a full title list can be obtained via the EBSCO platform.


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Web of Science provides seamless access to the Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and Medline.  You can view a list of Education journals covered by the database.