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Education Team: Taught Programmes: Supporting Your Learning

How to improve your keyword searches for journal articles

When searching for journal articles by keyword, to increase the number of results you get and to make those results more relevant to your topic you can obtain lots of useful advice by listening to the podcasts below. 

Many of the training seminars run by the Information Specialists team also explore searching by keyword - see your own course of study for details regarding attendance at one of these.

Article not available at Aston University?

If you find the details of a journal article that is not available at Aston you may be able to obtain it through 'open access' means:

  • Google Scholar is one of the most common ways of finding such articles. 
  • Another useful source is the academic search engine BASE, which cross-searches institutional repositories. 

As an alternative, you can order an article as an Inter-library loan.  

HS Talks - The Business and Management Collection

HS Talks - The Business and Management Collection contains over 900 specially prepared, animated, online, video lectures and case studies by experts from commerce, industry, the professions and academia...

  • View animated lecture slides, talks and cases studies
  • Play in your teaching sessions whether on-campus or online
  • Create clips which can easily be embedded in to your module on Blackboard or in presentation slides
  • Create a playlist which you can share with others
  • There are no restrictions and students can view in the UK and around the world

Share and Discover teaching materials

There are lots of open educational resources available that you can use to engage students with your lectures and source teaching materials


Open Educational Resources
  Copyright licences that enable resource sharing
  OER repository for UK Further and Higher Education