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Engineering Systems, Supply Chain Management, Transport and Logistics: Books

Searching for books and eBooks

1. Navigate to the Library homepage and scroll down to the Library Search box.

Enter your search term(s)

Advanced Search 

2. Enter keywords or part of the title, and click Search.
3. Enter your Aston username and password, if prompted.
4. Select 'View eBook' to view it online or check the location to borrow the print version.


Can't find what you need?

If you cannot find the book you are looking for in Library Search, you can suggest that we buy the book using this form.

If there are books on your Reading List which the Library doesn't have please contact and we will contact your lecturer.

Managing your library books

  • All students and staff can borrow up to 35 items
  • All items are loaned for 7 days. Items automatically renew unless someone else has placed a reservation or if there is an issue with the library account. The minimum time you can borrow items is 7 days before it can be requested to be returned, f.e. because someone else has reserved the item.
  • If all copies of a printed book are out on loan and you would like to get hold of a copy you can reserve it.
  • Check if an ebook is available if all print copies are out on loan.
  • Check our FAQ pages or contact the for further help.

Finding a book

Search for the book using the book title or the author and a keyword from the title
Diagram explaining structure of book reference: Author, Publication year in brackets, Title of book (in italics). Place of publication: publisher.
Search the Library Catalogue using the book title and the name of the Editor