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Economics: Supporting your research

Library & Learning Services for Researchers

Your Information Specialist has expertise in a number of areas which can support your research activities.  These include:

Literature Searching                                     Keeping up to Date

Your Information Specialist can share their  expertise  on

  • Utilising the research databases effectively including Web of Science and Scopus
  • Using of wild cards and truncation to improve the search strategy
  • Cited reference searching
  • Citation analysis

View our Literature Searching Research Bite for further information

Information Specialists can assist with a tutorial of how to use EndNote

  • Create an EndNote Library
  • Import references from academic research databases, Google Scholar, Library Search and other sources
  • Organise the references in to "groups" or "themes"
  • De-duplicate results from multiple sources
  • Export in to your Thesis and create a Reference List
  • Format the reference style

View our Referencing page for further information

Your research area is constantly changing with
the addition of new knowledge and research methodology. 
Keep up to date with the latest literature and research information,
avoid important omissions and observe potential collaborators and competitors. 

Most databases also have save search functions
to rerun a search and view the search history.  You can do this by using a range of current awareness services

View our Researchers LibGuide for a further information


Information Resources for your Subject

View your Subject LibGuide

are resources put together by the Library’s Information Specialists, tailored towards each subject area.  Each LibGuide contains information on:

  • Finding books from a reference and using the Library Search
  • Databases relevant to the discipline
  • Links to a number of external online resources
  • Information about specialist Library resources

Our LibGuides also contain information that is useful for researchers, particularly keeping up to date with a subject and networking with the research community.

Accessing Sources not available via Aston University Library Collection

Many journal articles are now freely available online as they have been published "open access" in addition to their publication in a subscription journal.

You can use the following search tools to find open access journal articles:

If the item you would like to read is not available via Aston University Library, you can request the item from another Library.  This is called Inter-library Loan.  This service is available to all University students and staff. 

Aston University is a member of the SCONUL Access reciprocal scheme which allows members to visit and use University libraries in the UK and Ireland.  You are eligible to join the scheme if you are

  • academic staff
  • full-time postgraduate / postgraduate research student,
  • part-time student
  • distance learner
  • placement studentSCONUL Logo

Full Time Undergraduate students are not eligible for SCONUL Access membership, but may be able to use other libraries on a reference only basis under the SCONUL Vacation Access scheme.

A-Z list of journals

If you are looking for a specific journal, access a full A-Z list of all subscribed journals below.

Aston Publications Explorer

Latest additions to Aston Publications Explorer :

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