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Electrical and Electronic Engineering: My Module Reading List

What is My Module Reading List?

The University expects all academics to provide their students with an online reading list using the My Module Reading List service.  All your modules are listed on Blackboard and the reading list for each module is available in the menu on the left hand screen called Readings.  Aston University Library and Learning Services, use this to try and provide the best possible access to Essential, Recommended and Further Reading resources.

Getting Started with your reading list

The tutorial is 2 minutes 45 seconds long.  It will help you to navigate a reading list, access content and activate the personalisation features.

Reading List buttons

Reading List Features...

Reading List Features
This button links you to Google Books preview which allows limited searching and browsing.  Users can not print, save or copy content from Google Books.
This button links directly to the online resource including eBooks, journal articles and web sites.  You will need to log in with your Aston University username and password.
Sometimes, your academic will ‘section’ the reading list in to weekly readings.  You can navigate to a particular section using the Table of Contents button.
You can re-sort your reading list by section, material type or level of importance for example ‘Essential’, ‘Recommended’ or ‘Further’ reading.
When you log in to the reading list you can add personal study information.  Choose the three dots on the right hand side and then "personal note"
 You can highlight the reading intention for an item on the list.  You can choose from Undecided, Will Read, Reading Now, Have Read and Won’t Read
When you log in to the reading list you can see the "View and Export" option.  You can export the list in to a PDF format and print or save.  You can also export the list in to reference management software.

PLEASE NOTE: If there isn't an Online Resource button, the item is available in print format.  You will need to click on the title of the item to view the holdings information on the screen.