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How to find a journal article from a reference

The reference for a journal article usually looks something like this:

Author(s), (Year in brackets). Article title. Journal title in italics, Volume number (Issue number in brackets), Page numbers.

For example:
Clough, H., & Closier, A. (2018). Walking the talk: Using digital media to develop distance learners’ digital citizenship at the Open University (UK). Reference Librarian, Vol 59 (3), pp 129-133.

There are two main ways to find the full text of a journal article from a reference:

  • Type the article title into the Library Search (or your database of choice), and use Find it @ Aston button to access full text
  • Search for the journal title in the A-Z list of journals (link below)


When you find an article you would like to use in your piece of the work, the reference details can be found in the following way:

Finding company information

Finding Newspapers

Finding market reports