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Optometry: Clinical Information

Evidence-based practice

Use these resources if you need to find information on:

- Diseases and conditions, including diagnostic factors, treatments and symptoms.

- Patient education, such as patient leaflets and discussions.

- Resources for the healthcare professionals.

The resources below will help you support your evidence-based practice!



ClinicalKey logo

ClinicalKey is an easy to use search engine that provides online access to a range of evidence-based clinical information resources. 

Through ClinicalKey you can access key textbooks, journals, clinical summaries (Clinical Overviews), clinical guidelines, images, procedure videos and patient information.

ClinicalKey is designed to resize on a tablet or mobile device when used through the device's browser.

If you are on the Aston University network: 

Click here to access ClinicalKey. Please note that you are required to 'Log in' to ClinicalKey using an Elsevier account to save and tag content, download eBook PDFs and export images using the Presentation Maker. Guidance on how to register and link to your Aston Username can be found in the next tab.

If you are not on the Aston University network:

  1. Select 'Log in' in the top right hand corner of the ClinicalKey homescreen
  2. Select OpenAthens Login on the right hand side of the screen. 
  3. Find Aston University by entering 'aston' in the 'Find your organisation' bar on the right hand side of the page and select Aston University. 
  4. Enter your Aston University username and password when prompted. 


To save and tag content, download eBook PDFs and export images, you are required to register for a personalised Elsevier account after you have logged into ClinicalKey via OpenAthens. To register for a personalised account you are only required to complete a short online form. 

If you already have an account to use an Elsevier product linked to your Aston University email (SCOPUS etc.) you do not need to register and only need to follow 'Step 2' guidance below. 

Step 1) Log in to ClinicalKey 

  1. Select 'Log in' in the top right hand corner of the ClinicalKey homescreen. 
  2. Select 'OpenAthens Login' on the right hand side of the screen. 
  3. Find Aston University by entering 'aston' in the 'Find your organisation' bar on the right hand side of the screen and select 'Aston University' when the University's name and logo appears on the screen. 
  4. Enter your Aston University username and password when prompted. 

Step 2) To register for a ClinicalKey account: 

  1. Select 'Register' in the top right hand corner of the ClinicalKey homescreen.
  2. Complete the short registration form.
  3. Once you have completed this process ClinicalKey will remember your personalised account details each time you log in (see Step 1). When you log in to ClinicalKey your name should appear in the top right hand corner of the ClinicalKey home screen. 


Use ClinicalKey to access Clinical Overviews.

Clinical Overviews are concise summaries on medical topics, using evidence-based information, current guidelines and the latest advances on medical conditions.

Why are Clinical Overviews useful? 

If you are looking for a structured, evidence-based summary on a medical condition or disease, Clinical Overviews is a great place to start. 

Access through ClinicalKey using the search or browse function to find Clinical Overviews:

Clinical Overviews browse


ClinicalKey provides access to clinical images and videos. These can be searched and browsed under the 'Multimedia' the option. 

For images and videos: 

  • Links are included so you can see the source 
  • References are included so you can reference the material
  • You can filter your search results if you specifically seek either images or videos

For images: 

  • You can save, tag and export images into PowerPoint or Keynote using the Presentation Maker tool (you need to register with ClinicalKey and log in under your account to use this tool, see instructions in previous tab).

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

NICE Guidance NICE Guidance is a resource that makes available all NICE Guidelines, technology appraisal guidance, interventional procedure guidance, quality standards and other authoritative resources used by the NHS and other public health and social care services. No login required. 


Clinical Knowledge Summaries Clinical Knowledge Summaries are over 330 evidence-based summaries fof the most common and significant presentations in NHS primary care. The evidence-based summaries are presented clearly to help users put UK guideline recommendations into practice. No login required.


BNF/BNFC The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) portal to the British National Formulary and the British National formulary for Children. No login required. 



MedicinesComplete logo MedicinesComplete, from the the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain offers online access to some of the world's leading drug and healthcare references. This includes the British National Formulary (BNF), British National Formulary for Children (BNFC), Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, Stockley's Drug Interactions and more.

If you are not on the Aston University network:

  1. Select 'LOGIN' in the top right hand corner of the MedicinesComplete homecreen 
  2. Select 'Login via Shibboleth/Open Athens from the options in the centre of the screen
  3. Find Aston University by entering 'aston' in the 'Find your organisation' bar in the centre of the page and select Aston University. 
  4. Enter your Aston University username and password when prompted. 

Healthcare ebooks

LWW Health Library gives you access to textbooks and multimedia for use in medical, pharmacy and other health science programs. 

Please click here for LWW Health Library

Access Neurology is a regularly updated online neurology resource, covering the basics to specialty specific content.


Oxford Medicine Online is a digital platform hosting Oxford University Press' prestigious medical titles. This resource brings together authoritative texts by world-renowned authors available online for the first time. It has over 1,000 books available, many of which include exclusive digital tools such as videos to further enrich your learning and practice.



Karger Fast Facts are downloadable PDFs which include a clinical overview of a condition or disease, plus explanations or mechanisms and terminology. They also have clear illustrations and figures. Click here for a complete list of titles. All titles are discoverable on Smartsearch. Once you follow the link from Smartsearch, click on the message "you already have online access" to download the PDF.

BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice Logo

BMJ Best Practice is a point-of-care resource, designed to support evidence-based decision making. The medical information is structured to follow the patient consultation, covering aetiology, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prevention and patient information.

On campus access: You can access BMJ Best Practice without logging in when you are on the Aston campus. You will be prompted to create a personal account. If it is the first time you are using this resource we recommend creating an account using your Aston email address. 

Off campus: When you are off campus you can access this resource by either:

  1. Clicking 'Login', and then 'Access through Your Institution'. Search for 'Aston University' when prompted before entering your Aston username and password. 
  2. Or entering your personal account details if you have registered for a BMJ Best Practice account previously

A BMJ Best Practice app is also available with a personal account. It allows users to download the core decision-support information so this can be accessed offline in the clinical setting. This would be highly useful for students undertaking an NHS placement. Please see the next tab for details.

A BMJ Best Practice app is available for Apple and Android. It allows users to download the core decision-support information so this can be accessed offline in the clinical setting. This will be highly useful for students undertaking an NHS placement.

Please be aware that the BMJ Best Practice app does not provide access to procedure videos, patient information leaflets, evidence-based medicine learning resources, or a link to the BNF. These additional features can only be accessed online, through the BMJ Best Practice website. 

To download the app you first have to create a personal account: 

1) Visit the BMJ Best practice website while on the Aston University network. 

2) Once you have accessed the BMJ Best Practice website, click 'Create account' for a personal account or 'Log in' if you already have one. You will need your personal accoun' details to access the app. Please use your Aston University email address when creating an account.

Accessing the app

1) Access your Apple or Google Play store and search for 'BMJ Best Practice'. 

2) Select the app and when prompted, use your BMJ Best Practice 'personal account' details to sign in and download the content

Please contact your information specialist if you experience any difficulties setting-up or using this app. 

MSD (Merck) Manual

 The professional version of the MSD Manual is a freely available online resource that covers a range of medical topics, including disorders, tests, diagnoses and drugs.

Anatomy resources

Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is a series of over 300 high-quality videos that are available online. These videos are a popular human anatomy learning resource due to their realism, simplified language and 3-D quality.

The videos are aimed at the human anatomy learning needs of medicine and health sciences students. You also have the option to support your learning with multiple-choice exams. This resource is available on the Aston network and also off campus with your Aston University username and password. 

Visible Body: Human Anatomy Atlas is a 3D anatomy resource. The Human Anatomy Atlas includes all body systems, gross anatomy, and select microanatomy (including the eye and ear). It also includes detailed definitions and pathology information, Latin names and English pronunciation, a gross anatomy simulated lab experience, 1000+ question test bank and an augmented reality feature.

It can be accessed through Aston University Library Search and is available through your browser or on Android and iOS as an app.

Please click here for the links to the browser and app download options

Please click here for the FAQ and app download instructions.


Additional resources

On NIHR Evidence, you’ll find plain language summaries of health and care research that’s funded by the NIHR. Our summaries can help you to make informed decisions about health and care – whether you’re a member of the public, a health or care professional, commissioner or policy maker.

Every year, thousands of NIHR-funded studies are published in academic journals, but they’re packed with scientific jargon and can be difficult to understand. NIHR Evidence select the most important findings and make them easy to read. They cover single studies (Alerts), and bring together research on specific themes or topics (Collections and Themed Reviews).



A free, open-access bank of high-quality photographs of medical conditions in a range of skin tones for use by both healthcare professionals and the public. The team behind Skin Deep hopes that with time, this will improve education and recognition of conditions in all skin tones, reducing inequalities and improving patient care by ensuring that all children receive a timely diagnosis regardless of their skin colour.


The NHS website provides quality, evidence-based information for the public and is free to access. This website may be particularly useful as a source of information that is designed for patients, carers and the UK general public. It can also be a useful source of information on NHS services and NHS news. 


Membership of CAIPE provides access to a range of interprofessional education resources and activities, including the Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Aston University students and staff can access CAIPE after signing up at, selecting 'Aston University' from the drop down menu before using their Aston University email when completing the remaining fields.