A thesis is a substantial document presenting the author's research and findings, submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree. You may wish to find relevant theses:
You will need to register and login before you can order theses, though you will be able to search without registering.
EThOS offers free access to the full text of UK theses. The service will digitise theses on request into pdf format rather than on microfilm to ensure a clearer copy is produced from the original.
The DART-Europe E-theses Portal is a searchable database of electronic research theses held in European repositories. The theses listed are open access - publicly available, in full, without charge. The DART-Europe Portal does not store theses, but it provides a link to at least one electronic copy of every thesis listed in its database.
The reference for a thesis looks like this:
Author surname, initial. (year). Title of thesis. Type of degree/thesis. University: Country.
For example:
Morris-Adams, M. (2008). Coherence and understanding in informal conversations between native and non-native speakers of English. PhD thesis. Aston University: UK.
These PhD theses by Aston researchers have recently been added to Aston Research Explorer: